While I was pregnant I developed a breast cyst and had it removed. After the birth another cyst developed in the same breast and was also removed. I am breastfeeding and notice that the breast unaffected by cysts leaks, while the one that had cysts doesn't. How can I prevent cysts and improve drainage in both breasts?
Prolactin, a hormone prominent during pregnancy, can stimulate glandular breast tissue to change and cause cysts. Galactorrhoea (excessive or spontaneous flow of breast milk) often occurs when prolactin levels are increased. When the lymph system is not working efficiently, toxins can build up in the tissues and contribute to cysts. Certain herbal remedies stimulate the lymph and lower prolactin levels. As you are breastfeeding, instead of taking tablets it would be safer to drink herb teas; try dandelion, calendula, red clover, ginger and echinacea. Very light massage of the breasts (a rolling action with the flat of the hand towards the nipple) will improve drainage. Body-brushing with a dry bristle brush in small circular movements towards the heart stimulates the lymph system. Exercise will also help.
I have a fungal infection on my left big toe. I've been using tea tree oil for two years but to no avail. Any ideas?
A persistent fungal infection may indicate a depressed immune system and is usually associated with candida (a fungal overgrowth in the digestive tract). Acidophilus bifidus provides friendly bacteria to the gut, while high-potency garlic is anti- fungal and boosts the immune system. Soaking the nail in a mixture of pau d'arco and golden seal herbs will stimulate your immune system and help kill the fungus.
· Emma Mitchell is a natural health therapist. Before following Emma's recommendations, you should consult your GP about any medical problems or special health conditions.
Send your questions to Wellbeing, Guardian Weekend, 119 Farringdon Road, London EC1R 3ER. Email: ask.emma@theguardian.com.