Either one of humanity's greatest inventions or a blight on the face of creation (depending on your viewpoint), football's unparalleled popularity guarantees extreme opinions wherever you go. The upside to this stratospheric profile is that opportunities for a beginner to get involved are everywhere. You only really need two things, and both are in the name.
The basics
Two teams attempt to score in the opponent's goal using any part of the body apart from the arms. Eleven-a-side is the true form of the game, but in amateur football five- or seven-a-side is just as common, and all require subtly different skill-sets, with close control and passing valued over, say, heading ability in the smaller-format games. If there are only two of you, try "three and in" – in which players take turns to act as goalkeeper until three goals are scored. If on your own, try playing against a wall, or keepie uppie. The latter may seem impossible at first, but keep going.
Diving, meanwhile, can be practised anywhere, at any time. Try crumpling without warning in a queue for the bus. If someone calls an ambulance, join a team.
Health benefits
Football provides an excellent all-round cardiovascular workout, requiring overall stamina and conditioning you for short bursts of movement. It encourages co-ordination, balance, upper and lower body strength, and – perhaps most crucially of all – the ability to function well in a team.
Equipment, costs and practicalities
Nothing more expensive is needed to give the game a go than an old ball borrowed from somewhere – even shoes are not a prerequisite for park football (though check the playing surface for sharp objects/dog poo beforehand). If using footwear, try solid-topped trainers (running shoes don't protect the foot well). For an all-weather surface, a decent pair of "astros" (AstroTurf trainers) will cost you anything from £30 up, with studded boots coming in at around the same. Organised football – or a park game in which studs are involved – often requires players to wear shinpads, of which a decent pair can be had for a tenner. A good football costs anything from a fiver up.
Trendiness rating: 10/10
It was cool at school, it's cool now. The legions of beer-maddened fans are simply testament to the beautiful game's utter social centrality. Don't fight it – try it.
Inside line
Kelly Simmons, FA: "Football is the nation's game and the number of people taking part, from players and spectators to coaches, match officials and volunteers, continues to grow. For those looking to play, football is a fabulous way to keep fit, make friends and have fun and there have never been more opportunities to get involved, from 11-a-side to small-sided games and Just Play centres. However, participation doesn't just mean players and the FA website is a one-stop shop to find out information on the game and opportunities to be inspired and get involved."
Find out more
thefa.com/GetIntoFootball - The FA's Get into Football site is comprehensive.
wsc.co.uk - official website of the world's greatest footie mag, When Saturday Comes.
premierleague.com - the home of football's mousse-smothered megastars.
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