Another day, another list of things that pregnant women might do wrong. The latest report from the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) worries about the chemicals in food, drink, barbecues, cosmetics, moisturisers, new furniture, cleaning products, air fresheners – it goes on and on. They say mothers to be should be aware of "the potential risks" posed by these chemicals so that they are able to "make informed choices regarding lifestyle changes which can be made to minimise environmental chemical exposure to their unborn child".
To be fair to the college, it's hard not to worry about environmental chemicals once you start to think about them. Ever since alchemists started trying to turn base metals into gold, chemists have been fiddling around with ways to make new substances, but it was in the 19th century that the whole endeavour really got going. In the 1820s the "father of fertiliser", Justus von Liebig, identified the natural chemicals required by plants in order to thrive. He immediately marketed his own synthetic version and has been credited with founding the whole modern chemical fertiliser industry. Synthetic dyes and fabrics revolutionised the garment industry from the 1850s onwards; synthetic ingredients have turned cosmetics into a major international commercial force; and synthetic food additives and processes have utterly transformed the food on our plates.
This transformation was, until recently, fairly loosely regulated, if at all. There has been plenty of research into the different chemicals but it's speckly, with a ton of studies done on some and just one or two on others. The industries are secretive too, and particularly reluctant to share bad news. Worst of all we have no idea what happens when these chemicals combine and mingle – they may be absolutely fine by themselves but react toxically with another ingredient.
In the 1990s, after international concerns had reached a unignorable pitch, the European Union announced an ambitious plan to catalogue and evaluate all chemicals. The resulting Reach (Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals) has been described as the most complex piece of regulation in the EU's history; it's 849 pages long and took seven years to pass. After much counting it has been estimated that the number of substances that will come under its purview is 143,000, give or take a sodium lauroamphoacetate or two.
So on that basis, you may feel that RCOG is entirely justified in flying a flag of anxiety. Babies are vulnerable, there are lots of unknowns out there, and for many years we've blithely avoided thinking about the impact these chemicals are having on them. This is a genuine issue.
Except what can a pregnant woman actually do about this? The RCOG may claim that it wants to raise awareness, but their report is written as if to confuse and obscure even further. On food, for example, it mentions two chemicals that can accumulate and pass along the food chain, but then reveals that they are now banned. It mentions that oily fish may contain heavy metals but says that they are healthy. It warns that fresh fruit and vegetables may have pesticide residues but worries that on the other hand, packaging can be dangerous too. Stumbling away from this segment with the impression that she should probably be fasting until birth, does the poor pregnant mum encounter a long list of constructive and sensible suggestions for dealing with these threats? No. They are given a list of just eight pointers, which does not include lie down in front of the nearest agrichemical company until they stop.
Pregnancy should be one of the few moments in your life when you are excused from worrying about climate change, carbohydrates, environmental chemicals, unidentified flying objects or international social injustice, and yet women today are bombarded by these sorts of messages before even managing to conceive. In short, leave pregnant women alone. They are very, very busy.