My wife told me a couple of months ago that she has been thinking for years about having breast augmentation. I was shocked, as I have never thought of her breasts as being very small, and besides, I believe we should accept ourselves as we are. Changing one's appearance in this way almost equates to a symptom of mental illness in my mind. However, I have miserably failed to persuade her of my ideas. What is phoniness for me is a mere technical alteration for her. She says her breast size affects her sexuality and her self-esteem, and that since medicine offers the chance to fix parts of our bodies that we don't like, we should take it.
Aside from this we are happily married, we have a little son and we have a similar lifestyle. I can see some point in what she says: she wore a device to straighten her back in adolescence and she thinks this affected her breast size. Her mother even took her to a doctor at the time to ask about this but they said there was no problem. Her breasts are small (though not to me!). However, I am afraid that, apart from the risk any operation carries, this could affect our sexuality, as I may see her as an artefact.
How much should I try to discourage her? After all, it is her body and she has a right to do what she wishes.
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