In light of the relaunching of Penguin's famous blue-spined non-fiction books, we turned to Twitter to ask for photos of your treasured old copies. Here is our old-school gallery with a selection of your dated but always erudite Pelicans
"Loved Pelican books, a staple of my student days - here's my little library." Photograph: @TimCopyPhotograph: @TimCopy"No doubt there are some more in the loft. Now have to dig them out!" Photograph: @cjgdocPhotograph: @cjgdoc"To soar once more, happy days! Can you spot the odd one out?" Photograph: @cccubookshopPhotograph: @cccubookshop Photograph: @Mariken8Photograph: @Mariken8"My mum's Sociology collection from the 1970s." Photograph: @QutubviewPhotograph: @Qutubview"Feel its TONIC ACTION. The ad on the back is even better than the cover." Photograph: @karihowPhotograph: @karihow"Have 'em & won't ever chuck 'em! Acquired years & years ago from many a second hand shop." Photograph: @robcampbe11Photograph: @robcampbe11"A couple of classic Pelican Books." Photograph: @hrtbpsPhotograph: @hrtbps"Here are some of my Pelicans, mostly bought in the early 80's for my degree course." Photograph: @LynneStruttPhotograph: @LynneStrutt"I grew up on Pelicans. Sadly, binding quality wasn't as good as content, so many have disintegrated." Photograph: @yabunonaka1Photograph: @yabunonaka1 Photograph: @DeirdreAileenPhotograph: @DeirdreAileen"Trade unions and the 19th Century at 5 bob and 2/6 respectively." Photograph: @HistoryMartinPhotograph: @HistoryMartin Photograph: @HFmattersPhotograph: @HFmatters"Some of my older but precious books. They never age." Photograph: @LongstudioprintPhotograph: @Longstudioprint"Love 'em." Photograph: @shutupbanksPhotograph: @shutupbanks"Only have a few... Including well thumbed A.S. Neill." Photograph: @loujessop1Photograph: @loujessop1"Some early purchases of mine in late 60s and 70s." Photograph: @HBHQlaurPhotograph: @HBHQlaur"A 1981 edition I found in a tiny bookshop in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia a few years ago." Photograph: @GratefulChicaPhotograph: @GratefulChica Photograph: @campdenlitfestPhotograph: @campdenlitfest"Love Penguin." Photograph: @thadd31Photograph: @thadd31"Are you a Converger or a Diverger? This great Pelican told you through studying schoolboys." Photograph: @RobinBlakeUKPhotograph: @RobinBlakeUK