My second term was spent making mistakes, feeling clueless and endlessly bumbling my way around a still-new city and into new people.
I wasn’t expecting it to be like this – if you’re in your second term, you’ve made it to January, the first batch of exams is behind you and you have university life all sorted now, right? Well maybe. But if you’re struggling like I was, here are some tips on how to make it through.
“Second term is a gear change, because in first term you’re making initial friendship groups, bedding down your accommodation and establishing yourself on that course,” says Ruth Gibson, a student advisor at Newcastle University. “When you come back you’re straight back into exam period, so it takes a much more academic, serious tone to it at first. However after January you get this feel across campus that it all has a less serious tone to it.”
If the gear change is making you feel low, how can you boost your mood? For starters, you could get involved with university activities.
Amy MacCauley, activities officer at Newcastle University, says: “You could get involved with your uni’s Rag (Raise and give) crew or volunteer with an outside organisation to get more involved with your local community. That way you can help people and feel better at the same time. You could also get more involved with university societies.
“Volunteering or joining a society gives you a distraction from work and transferable skills for your CV, like teamwork or organisation skills . Plus, you’re doing something you enjoy doing and can meet new people outside of your normal social circles, which is essential.”
Max Mason, a second-year law student at the University of Birmingham, says: “When you’re a bit more comfortable, it’s time to branch out and try new things, such as societies. You may discover a passion or hobby that you never thought about before. I didn’t do as much of this as I could have in second term and I regret it.”
Take advantage of cultural opportunities, such as going to gigs, comedy nights, museums, theatre, sporting events, restaurants and of course, nightclubs. Inevitably a lot of students will be going out this term, but aren’t you bored of Tiger Tiger yet? Try a funk and soul night! Anywhere that doesn’t play Pitbull songs should work.
Another tip for boosting your mood is to get a good night’s sleep. Researchers from Harvard University recently discovered evidence that mood is closely connected to sleep – a lack of sleep can cause stress, while good sleep can enhance well-being.
Healthy eating is also a mood-improving must. For the past two years I’ve been eating nothing but pasta, tomato sauce and meat. But don’t be like me, there’s no need to subject yourself to three years of that. Learn how to cook a variety of simple meals. Not only would this benefit your health, but your meals will taste better too. This BBC website has some great, easy-to-make recipes available for students.
On that note, make sure you keep fit. Amy MacCauley says: “Join sports teams, be it table tennis, netball or football. They’re good for first years wanting to de-stress, meet new people and for getting some exercise.”
And, finally, remember that there’s help if you need it. Jill Lincoln, a student advisor at Newcastle University, says: “A lot of students suffer in silence, particularly at stressful points in the year like exam times, and they think that there’s nobody to turn to. It’s worth reminding them that advisors are always here for students in need.”
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