Working-age ill-health costs the UK economy an annual £100bn, so there are clear business benefits for employers to improve the health of their workers.
Wellbeing initiatives can prevent absenteeism and improve productivity. The government-sponsored Frost/Black report in 2011, for example, outlines how avoidable sickness absence could be tackled through early intervention with occupational health support, including physiotherapy.
Employers are starting to recognise their public health role; almost 400 organisations have, according to latest figures, pledged support for the Department of Health’s public health “responsibility deal”.
The voluntary pledge involves businesses and public-sector bodies promising to take action in four areas: alcohol, food, health at work and physical activity. A report in March by the House of Commons health committee, which looked at the impact of diet and physical activity on health, underlined the role of the responsibility deal, adding that it could have even more of an impact if it was supported by more regulation.
Yorkshire-based housing association Wakefield and District Housing (WDH) has signed up to the deal. Its health and wellbeing programme includes access to physiotherapy for staff diagnosed with chronic back pain or musculoskeletal problems; the service has helped cut sickness absence by 40% in the past five years.
Staff can self-refer or are referred by managers to the twice-weekly occupational therapy clinic held at WDH’s head office. Musculoskeletal problems, such as back and neck complaints among those with manual jobs, are assessed. If the condition requires physiotherapy, staff are given an appointment within an average of two days.
Because the organisation works with four physiotherapists across the region – rather than centrally – employees are seen quickly, at a convenient time and location. Over the past six years, nearly 900 staff have used the service.
The focus on physiotherapy, according to Andrew Chesworth, WDH human resources manager, is because the association sees it as a preventative measure that helps “to make sure we keep the workforce fit and healthy. Our employees are one of the most important people for the organisation because they provide services for our tenants. We want happy, well-motivated employees and part of that is looking after their wellbeing.”
Camden and Islington NHS foundation trust has also joined the responsibility deal’s health pledge. Promoting public health among healthcare professionals is vital. According to the government’s 2009 Boorman Report, more days are lost through staff sickness in the NHS than elsewhere in the public sector, with sick leave costing the health service £1.7bn a year. In addition a report last year by Arthritis Research UK revealed musculoskeletal problems are a major cause of ill health among NHS staff, costing about £400m per year.
“We need to practice what we preach,” says Zipporah Jempeji, the trust’s human resources, wellbeing and benefits manager. Staff with musculoskeletal issues can get a physiotherapy telephone assessment, followed by advice and, if necessary, referral for treatment.
Physical activity is at the heart of the trust’s wellbeing strategy, with workplace yoga, Pilates and sports massage sessions. “At least one day of week, there’s something people can do,” says Jempeji. “For frontline staff to be physically and mentally healthy is so important. This has a direct impact on patient care and that’s the most important thing.” Low-key activities, such as encouraging staff to use pedometers, are just as important as exercise classes, she adds.
The idea of encouraging physical activity in work places is one that the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP) has promoted since its inaugural Workout at Work Day in 2011. The event aims to reduce sickness absence and encourage the role of physiotherapy in public health. The next event on 12 June will involve employers and physiotherapists promoting activities such as lunchtime walking groups or encouraging staff to take the stairs, not the lift.
With numerous ways of promoting occupational health at work and its impact on performance, there is no excuse for organisations not to embrace their public health role, says Jempeji: “Those who don’t see this as being at the top of the agenda need to take a second look.”