Running a business is the ultimate apprenticeship: most of it is learned on the job with no set manual. When my brother and I first had the idea for Moneypenny there were so many things we didn’t know. But there were two things we were sure about – we wanted to create a business we’d want to buy from and a workplace we’d want to work in. These overarching beliefs have shaped everything we have done since we started out in 2000.
Research shows that genuine concern from their employer is top of employees’ wishlist and that staff are up to 12% more productive if they’re happy.
For us, a happy environment means nurturing our staff to thrive professionally and personally.
Show your appreciation
Firstly, pinpoint who the most important people are in the company – here, it’s our PAs answering our clients’ calls. If they’re happy, our clients are happy. A flat hierarchy means staff feel trusted, engaged and appreciated. Encourage feedback and ideas from the people who are on the front line of your business and who know what your clients want. Listening to that, and acting on it, can have huge commercial benefits.
Set clear expectations
In a small business, each employee has to be playing their “A-game”, performing to the best of their ability. As leaders, it’s our responsibility to make sure everyone in the team knows what great looks and feels like – understanding what’s expected of them, how important their actions are in terms of the overall success of the business, and how you will help and support them to get to where they need to be. Only then will they have the confidence they need to reach their full potential.
Create a comfortable environment
Employees want security, clarity, consistency and freedom and these all translate into behaviours that we as business owners can put into action. But what works for one business doesn’t necessarily work for another. Hot-desking springs to mind. Lots of businesses do it and I know it can work, but we know our staff value their own personal space and the familiarity that offers.
We spend so much time at work, so why not create a comfortable home from home? Comfort doesn’t just come from having the right equipment – good chairs, screens without glare – it also means personalising your space as you wish. Photos, flowers and souvenirs all contribute to a colourful and welcoming office.
Reward the small achievements
Recognising milestones and showing appreciation for the small, as well as the big, things is one of the easiest ways to help people feel happy. Yet so often businesses overlook simple opportunities to do just that. From a thank you email, to simply asking how the weekend went – showing that you care can make a big difference to the way your staff feel about their jobs.
Create opportunities for socialising
It’s important to create opportunities for staff to get to know one another outside of work. We have always spent plenty of time socialising (even when we could have held our parties in a phone box!).
Earlier this year, we celebrated our 15th birthday and surprised every member of staff with a treat – from zip wiring through the North Wales countryside to afternoon tea in a top hotel.
And this approach to socialising extends to our office space. We’ve always ensured we have somewhere comfy where people can take a break or meet up and chat. We have long tables so that we all sit with people we don’t necessarily know that well.
Fundamentally, it’s about recognising that your staff are your business. Take good care of them and you’ll reap the rewards.
Rachel Clacher is the co-founder and director of telephone answering service Moneypenny.
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