What is it? A pair of pants. Performance pants. For men. Who perform. In their pants.
How much does it cost? £24.99.
What does it promise? Right, first let me apologise for the barrage of nightmarish mental images you’re about to be assaulted with. The official line is that the Gear Shift is for “those who compete like an Olympian on the field, a boss in the boardroom, and Don Juan in the bedroom”. Basically, they’re a long pair of pants with a little sack to tuck your balls into when you exercise.
What’s it actually like? It’s desperately clear that I don’t perform like any of those things in any of those places. But I am a chronic sufferer of chub rub, the stingy rash you get on your thighs when they chafe together in high temperatures. It can be debilitating, especially during long runs. So far, these pants have banished my chub rub almost completely. The little sack – officially called a Joey Pouch (I’m sorry) – sweeps up your privates, keeping them safe from unwanted skin contact. In addition, there’s also something called a No-Drip-Tip (I’m so sorry) that wicks away sweat. The result is that you quickly forget you’re wearing them, which is generally a good thing where pants are concerned.
Best and worst bit The best bit is the fact that they work. Being able to run in comfort on a hot day is a rare experience for me, and these are helping enormously. The worst bit is having to read all the durr-brained, over-masculine marketing copy about them.
Is it worth it? Sure, if you suffer from chub rub and have a high tolerance of infuriating branding.