Malnutrition affects every country on earth and an estimated one third of the world’s population.
It also has many faces. Added to the challenges of child and maternal nutrition, stunting and anemia, many countries now face the “double burden” of undernutrition and rising obesity. While two billion people don’t get enough vitamins and minerals, 1.9 billion adults are overweight or obese.
Malnutrition is so widespread that it threatens the ambitions of the world’s sustainable development goals (SDGs), according to the 2015 Global Nutrition Report. And yet, as Lawrence Haddad, one of the report’s authors points out, nutrition is scarcely mentioned in the SDGs.
So what will it take to make strong and fast progress on the issue by 2030? Do we need more effective partnerships between governments, business and civil society? What are the challenges involved? Join an expert panel for an online discussion on Thursday 29 Oct, 1-3pm GMT.
The live chat is not video or audio-enabled but will take place in the comments section (below). Get in touch via globaldevpros@theguardian.com or@GuardianGDP on Twitter to recommend someone for our expert panel. Follow the discussion using the hashtag #globaldevlive.
Nabeeha M. Kazi, president and CEO of Humanitas Global and chair of the Community for Zero Hunger, Washington, DC. @nabeehakazi @zhcommunity
Nabeeha directs integrated development initiatives to expand health, nutrition, child development, climate change impact and empower communities.
Greg S. Garrett, director of large-scale food fortification, Gain, Geneva, Switzerland,@gsgarrett
Greg is on the board of the Iodine Global Network and is on the executive team of the Food Fortification Initiative.
Bruce Lee, director of the Global Obesity Prevention Center (GOPC) and associate professor of international health, Global Obesity Prevention Center (GOPC) at Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD USA. @bruce_y_lee
Bruce is director of the GOPC, and a researcher and educator with extensive experience in global health, academia, and industry.
William Chilufya, country coordinator, Zambia Civil Society Scaling Up Nutrition Alliance (CSO-SUN), Lusaka, Zambia. @wchilufya
William Chilufya is the country coordinator of the Zambia Civil Society Scaling Up Nutrition Alliance (CSO-SUN). He provides leadership on the alliance’s advocacy and awareness raising agenda in Zambia.
Julia Krasevec, statistics and monitoring specialtst on nutrition, UNICEF, New York, USA. @UNICEFData
Julia Krasevec leads on nutrition at UNICEF data and analytics section being responsible for UNICEF’s global nutrition databases and dissemination.
Stuart Gillespie, CEO, Transform Nutrition, IFPRI, Lewes, UK. @ifpri
Stuart is a senior research fellow at the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) and CEO of the Transform Nutrition Research Programme Consortium.
Desire Yameogo, country director, Counterpart International Inc, Yaounde, Cameroon.
Desire oversees the implementation of USDA’s current Cameroon programme. The project aims to improve food security, reduce incidences of hunger, and improve literacy and primary education enrolment rates in the country.
Joanna Francis, food and nutrition policy officer, Concern Worldwide, London, UK. @JoannaFrancis_
Joanna works in the UK and internationally to influence nutrition policy and practice for the world’s poorest people.
Divya Mehra, policy officer, World Food Program, Rome, Italy. @WFP
Divya is the project manager for strategy and partnerships in WFP’s nutrition advisory office.
Boitshepo Bibi, senior nutritionist officer - policy and programmes, FAO, Rome, Italy. @BibiGiyose
Boitshepo focuses on integrating nutrition into agriculture and related development agendas. Before FAO, she worked for NEPAD as senior advisor for food and nutrition security.
Kamilla Eriksen, data analyst, Global Nutrition Report Secretariat, Cambridge, UK. @EriksenKamilla
Kamilla is a data analyst at the Global Nutrition Report Secretariat.
Glen Tarman, international advocacy director, Action Against Hunger. London, UK.
Glen leads advocacy across the Action Against Hunger international network towards nutrition justice for everyone everywhere.