Commuting by bike is a great way to breathe in some fresh air, move your legs and get your heart pumping. Unfortunately, on busy roads it can also be very daunting – trying to dodge drivers, potholes, and pedestrians can seem terrifying. No one likes to show up for work frazzled and exhausted from the effort of just getting there, so here are 10 tips on how to make your commute bike-friendly.
Plan your route
The route you usually drive or take bus probably isn’t the best for your cycle commute. If you are in the capital, you are in luck – London is building some great cycling infrastructure and a route that may seem a bit out of the way can actually be safer and save you time. TfL cycle route planner is a good place to start. Google maps also has cycling friendly routes, Sustrans has maps for longer, more rural routes, or just follow other cyclists one day to see what secrets they know!
Smile! Sing! Enjoy the time outside! Cycle commuting doesn’t have to be a serious pursuit of dodging tricks and traps. Smile at the people crossing the street or send a wink over to the other cyclist in the bike box wearing rainbow socks. It’s harder for someone to get angry at a happy person, so be the happy one!
Don’t sweat the small stuff
It is tempting to call out every car who passes you a little too close or pedestrians who step out and you have to swerve around. This takes a lot of energy that would be better focused on you and your cycling enjoyment. You aren’t there to educate everyone on road safety, so if it’s not a direct threat to your riding then it’s probably best to let it go.
Take your time
Your cycle commute isn’t the time to set any Strava course records (on purpose). The roads are busy during peak hours with different types of road users and it is important to respect everyone on the road. As the weather gets better the bike lanes and boxes get busier. It’s not worth the few seconds of extra time to the next stop light to fly past someone, take your time and enjoy your bike!
… and take the lane
You gotta fight! For your right! To … cyyyyyyycle! When cycling on a busy road it is tempting to ride right up to the curb, and in reality, other vehicles might try to force you over there. But on a busy road you are well within your rights to cycle in the middle of the lane so you can see the road. This doesn’t need to be done all the time, but where there are many parked cars, or a blind right turn ahead, it’s usually a safer position for you to be riding in.
Fuel up
Have a good breakfast before you set off and bring some snacks for your desk. A fed cyclist is a happy cyclist.
You might be tempted to use words that rhyme with truck, but there are more effective ways to communicate with your fellow road users. Hand signals are great because they let everyone know where you are going. If you have a bell on your bike a quick ding-ding (or vocal Oi!) lets iPhone-distracted pedestrians know to look up while they cross a road.
Dress for the commute
Tempting as it is to get up and get dressed in one outfit for the day, it’s usually best to pack your work clothes in a rucksack or panniers, and wear something comfortable for the commute. This takes a bit of guess and test considering the UK weather can change in an instant, but find your comfortable commute style (even if that includes rainbow socks) and enjoy your ride that much more.
Look up!
Obvious safety reasons aside, take the time to experience a new view. There is a lot to see in our cities and towns, and freed from the giant metal boxes, a cyclist can see and experience so much more. A new shop, a heritage plaque, a familiar face, your cycle commute can be more than just a way to get from a-to-b.
Ask around
There’s not much time while cycling to ask your fellow cyclists their favourite brand of trousers or where they got that bright light, but the cycling community is friendly on and off the bike. Lots of companies and brands are active on social media and you might even get a reply from a professional cyclist on twitter if you try. Don’t be afraid to share your own experiences too!