I have felt for a long time that the skills we teach children in school aren’t enough. In the ever-changing world we live in, who knows what technology will be like by the time our pupils reach the working world? Will the things that we’re teaching them now even be relevant then?
The stresses we endure as adults, however, are unlikely to change. Money. Getting a job. Getting a house. Relationships. Families. Dealing with life, and death. Does a rushed PSHE lesson once a week really teach young people how to deal with all of this effectively?
In my frustration, I stumbled across a book called Relax Kids: Aladdin’s Magic Carpet. It contains 52 guided meditations, cleverly disguised as familiar stories such as The Little Mermaid, Peter Pan and Jack and the Beanstalk. It was a revelation.
I was new to meditation but felt confident it could make a difference to the children in my class. I had just started work in a primary school in an underprivileged area, which had a bad reputation.
The children needed downtime and discipline. For a lot of them, I was the only constant in their lives. Even though there were moments when I wanted to lie face-down in the book corner, I was determined to make school a positive experience for them. So as the new school year began, I tried daily mindfulness and meditation in my class. Here’s what happened...
Time to relax
I implemented “relax” moments three times a day; as soon as class started, after break and after lunch. The process is very simple. We breathe properly, from the diaphragm, and sometimes we imagine our breath being a certain colour, or sounding like the sea. Then we complete some gentle stretches, often to some calming music.
My pupils know that when they hear this kind of music in class, it is a signal to be quiet and take a few deep breaths. We also have a full hour of mindfulness and meditation each week, with more stretching, affirmations and visualisation.
I quickly saw the difference it was making; the children were so happy to forget about the world, even just for a little while. After a few sessions they were calmer, more settled when walking into the room, and were able to discuss their feelings more fluently.
That’s not to say that the process went completely smoothly. The first few sessions were a total shambles – only three pupils out of 32 could stand still and none of them dared to close their eyes. The lack of trust was clear; they seemed afraid of what might happen if they let go for a moment.
The turning point for me was when a one boy asked if he could “do the relax”. He stood at the front of the class and led his friends through some of our exercises. This child was socially very awkward and always in trouble – yet there he was, leading his classmates to a calmer place. Since that moment, the children take it turns to lead the sessions, which has proved to be exceptionally powerful.
Skills for life
This is my third year with a Sats group, which comes with a huge amount of pressure, but my pupils are equipped with the tools they need to calm down and focus. There is a big variation in ability in my class, but hopefully all of my students will go through school and beyond knowing how to look after themselves a little better now.
Meanwhile, behaviour has improved beyond all of my expectations. Results and progress are on the up and creativity is soaring. Two boys in particular, who were frequently destructive in class, are kinder to others and work harder.
One girl comes from an abusive household, and was often withdrawn. But she completely embraced the relax sessions. She recently wrote me a note, saying: “Thank for teaching me how breathe and go somewhere different and quiet in my head. I close my eyes and turn into Peter Pan.”
I know – it sounds like I’ve made it up. In a way, I wish I had. That child faces struggles that I will never comprehend. I feel immensely proud that she has the power at such a young age to deal with the stresses that are thrown at her.
Of course, I can’t deny that reading, writing, maths and so on are crucial to children’s development. And I can even see some positives in our focus on exam results. But I can’t accept the idea that these are the only skills our children need – we have to get them ready to deal with real life too. After all, isn’t that what schools are for?
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