I love running, but I loathe running on roads: it’s boring, repetitive, jarring and just hurts. I don’t understand why anyone would do it. I’ve been a bird-watcher all my life, and I’m passionate about being out in the open, looking around, listening: running on roads with your earphones in, when you could be going up and down hills or, better still, mountains, seems like a wasted opportunity.
I’ve been fell running for 20 years, socially and competitively. Some races are flagged, so you follow a specific route; others require you to navigate to the finish using a map and compass. At the top level, runners are phenomenal athletes, flying up and down hills at unbelievable speeds, but it’s only as competitive as you want it to be. Lots of people at my club, Mynyddwyr De Cymru, just run for the joy of it.
Often, on one of our weekly social runs, we’ll run for about an hour and 20 minutes, and cover the same amount of ground some people would consider to be a decent day’s walk. You’d be amazed how far and how quickly you can go up in the hills when you’re not encumbered by heavy walking boots and a backpack. We take a whistle, a map, some emergency food and maybe a waterproof cover, and off we go. Before I started fell running, I suffered from all sorts of injuries, particularly in my knees. In fell running, that’s not an issue, because it’s so varied. You’re going up, down, fast, slow, changing your step; it strengthens the muscles around your joints in a way that other forms of running don’t. My knees are no longer aching, though they are covered in scars. We all take falls, mostly coming downhill. But most of the time, people bounce back up.
I’m lucky: I can drive for half an hour from my home in Cardiff and be running around the utterly wonderful Brecon Beacons. You do have to be fairly hardy to run year-round. I love it most in spring, when I can listen to all the birds while I run. Up in the fells, I’m never bored.
My weekend workout
How often do you run? Five times a week.
Favourite place to run? The Black Mountains in south Wales.
Emergency snack of choice? Jelly Babies.
Five ways to get started
1 Look for a group or club to run with, especially if you’re unfamiliar with the area. The last thing you want is to get lost, or to find yourself alone if you twist an ankle.
2 You’ll be running on a slope or uneven terrain, so specialist footwear is a must. Fell running shoes are flatter and less cushioned than road shoes, so you can feel changes in the surface better. They’re also studded, for additional grip.
3 Running at speed downhill can be unnerving and requires balance, confidence and practice. The natural tendency is to lean back, but most falls are a result of people’s feet sliding from under them. Lean forwards and land each stride with a flat foot, not on your heel.
4 To run up a hill, take short steps and stay on your toes. There’s no shame in walking: even during races, you’ll see lots of people walking up steep inclines.
5 You compete in age categories, so advancing years are no barrier to entry. In fact, in contrast to many other sports, top fell runners often don’t peak until their late 30s or even 40s.
Essential kit