John eased his bulky frame into a chair at the Lower Dock Street clinic in Newport, south Wales and reeled off a dizzying list of substances he injects or swallows as he seeks the perfect, honed physique.
“I take all sorts,” he said. “Testosterone, trenbolone, Equipoise, Dianabol, Halotestin, hCG, Arimidex, Nolvadex, clenbuterol. It’s not cheap – I spend more than £200 a month.”
Is he worried about the long-term dangers of his regime? “If I’m honest, no. There’s a lot worse things I could be doing. I don’t drink, I don’t smoke. I go to the gym avidly. I feel fit and well. Surely what I’m doing can’t be worse than smoking or drinking?”
The old archetype of the IPED (image and performance-enhancing drugs) user, of a beefed-up thug shooting up before throwing weights around a backstreet gym, garage or garden shed, is changing.
Anabolic steroids are class C substances under the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971. There is no possession offence but it is illegal to manufacture, supply or possess/import/export steroids with the intent to supply, without a licence to do so. The maximum penalty is 14 years in prison and/or a heavy fine.
What are the most common IPEDs?
Methandrostenolone (Dianabol or D-Bol) is taken orally.
Testosterone enanthate (Test E) is injected.
Human growth hormones are commonly taken.
Who are the users?
The most common age to begin is between 20 and 24, but users range from 13 to mid-70s. The vast majority are male and in work or fulltime studies.
Why do people take IPEDs?
More than half say they want to change their body shape for image or cosmetic reasons. Some take them to increase chances in bodybuilding competitions, as hormone replacement therapy, to retain youthfulness or increase confidence.
What the possible complications?
Testicular atrophy, change in sex drive, sleep difficulties, aggression, mood swings, acne, injection site pain, depression, hair loss.
Long-term effects may include disease and dysfunction of the liver and both acute and chronic cardiovascular pathologies.
Users are not believed to become physically dependent, but may become hooked on the way the drugs make them look and feel.
75% wait for side effects to go away on their own. 15% of users say they have shared vials, which increases the chances of passing around blood-borne viruses.
Do users take other drugs and drink alcohol?
75% say they consume alcohol and almost half recreational drugs including cannabis, cocaine and ecstasy.
John, 30, is one of a new breed. He is a quietly spoken engineer on a good wage and devoted to his career. In his spare time he works hard, not only on pumping iron but on understanding what each of the IPEDs he uses does.
This visit to the new IPED clinic in Newport – run by the Gwent Specialist Substance Misuse Service and one of the few of its kind in the UK – is part of what he sees as a responsible approach. Doctors and nurses carry out blood and ECG tests on users and give them non-judgmental advice about the substances they use.
“I saw this clinic advertised in my gym and thought it wouldn’t hurt to make sure my body is working correctly,” said John. “I don’t think I’m in danger but it’s about keeping me going for longer.”
John takes part in bodybuilding competitions and does not have much time for those who are more concerned about using anabolic steroids simply to look good when they are out socialising or on holiday.
“For me, that is abusing. In my opinion, it’s okay to use steroids as performance-enhancing drugs. But I don’t approve of those who take steroids then go out on a Friday night in a tight top and get drunk. That gives us a bad name.”
Following John into the clinic was Paul, a 27-year-old security worker. He has been training since he was 13 and began taking IPEDs after seeing so many other people doing it. “I started off small, then built up. All my mates are training. It’s quite a sociable thing to do.”
Paul does not take a cocktail of substances. “I take about 800mg of testosterone a week. You hear about the big boys going up to 1.5g, so I’m not up there.”
He envisages himself taking steroids for the rest of his life. “I don’t plan on stopping any time soon. I think I’ll probably be on a dose for ever. I’m not worried about my heart or anything. If I was blasting it I would be, but I don’t think there’s a problem with what I do.”
The medics who work here – all as volunteers – see some worrying cases. When the Guardian visited, one young man was found to have a resting heartbeat of more than double the normal. He did not drink or smoke, had a well-balanced diet and exercised every day. But he did take steroids and caffeinated drinks.
They also speak to young men who inject directly into the muscles in the areas of the body they want to enhance – such as the pectorals – though this is considered dangerous. One man in his 20s explained how he believed he had achieved a “cut” and lean figure thanks to steroids and amphetamines – and had never set foot in a gym or lifted a weight.
During hospital shifts they come across steroid users in their 40s collapsing of heart attacks and suffering liver failure. They also speak to users who try to save money by sharing vials but open themselves up to the risk of contracting bloodborne viruses, and those who self-medicate rather than going to a doctor.
Jim, who is in his 60s, is a leading figure in the south Wales IPED scene. In the past he has used steroids; he now runs a gym. He gives advice to anyone who will listen and is encouraging users to visit the IPED clinic.
“You get all sorts using steroids now, from athletes and bodybuilders to lads who want to look good at the weekend or at the beach.”
There is no shortage of IPEDs in south Wales. Some users buy them on the internet from countries such as Turkey, Greece and Thailand, where they can be bought across the counter. Others source them from underground laboratories.
Jim said he had noticed an increase in the number of drug dealers trading in steroids. “They are moving away from the class As and Bs and into steroids. The problem is that you can’t always be sure of the quality of what you are doing.”
He believes IPEDs are here to stay. “When I first got into the game, gyms were just shacks with a few weights,” Jim said. “Now there are gyms everywhere and the pressure on young men to have a six-pack and look buff is immense.”
Names of users have been changed.