I used to work 20 hours a day and fall asleep while my wife was talking to me. Now that I don’t stay in the restaurant until closing, I’m home by 9.30-10pm. I sleep for seven hours; if I’m in Italy, an afternoon nap is helpful, too. I don’t have problems sleeping unless I’ve drunk wine. Then I lie there wishing I hadn’t had any alcohol.
I have to be really careful – I don’t want to pile on too many kilos – but I have to taste everything; that’s my job. Coffee is important, as is pasta: I like to have a plate daily. I cook all the time, even during the week, because the children often come over for dinner. My wife, Plaxy, and son and daughter are now vegetarian, which I think is fantastic.
I don’t really see the line between working and not working. I have grown up doing what I do, and I love it. My usual working day lasts 10 hours, but I sit down for lunch. I say no to a lot of things; there’s no point doing something you don’t want to. I have someone who runs the office and helps me with emails, but I feel in command of my life. Time was more squashed in my 20s, when I was definitely under more pressure.
We all like to be in touch every day. Our daughter, Margherita, 22, is living back at home after graduating last year. Our son, Jack, 30, lives in south London. Just recently, Plaxy and I were talking about how nice it would be to have a grandchild. My mother still lives in the village where I was raised in northern Italy; her mother and grandmother were raised there, too. The strength of the family unit is not based on how much you see each other, but on how dedicated you are to each other.
My downtime is spent seeing friends, cooking at home or being invited to someone’s house for dinner. I love motorbikes, but I don’t ride any more: Plaxy is worried I will hurt myself. At home in Puglia – our sanctorum in life – we are going to get a little scooter to ride around the village. The plan is to spend several weeks a year there, to relax and enjoy life.
• Giorgio Locatelli is chef/owner of Locanda Locatelli, London W1. He is appearing on Sunday at Queen’s Park book festival, London NW6; tickets and details at qpbookfest.com