Breathe in and out through the nose. Inhale on a slow count of six, visualising filling up from the bottom to the top of the lungs. As you exhale, empty out in reverse, from top to bottom, on a count of six.
Curves of the spine
Lie down with knees bent and soles of the feet on the ground, heels in line with the sitting bones. Identify where your pubic bone and ribs are. Keeping the pelvis on the ground, roll your pubic bone towards your ribs, flattening your back. Then roll your pubic bone away from your ribs, lifting up through the lower back. Repeat until the movement is smooth. Now find the natural curves of your spine where you are neither unduly arching the lower back, nor flattening it.
Active feet
Stand with feet parallel, sit-bone distance apart. Pick up your toes and spread the little toe away from the others and see if you can place it down. Repeat with your big toe. Bring the other toes down. Keep your weight in the heel of your foot and press down through the big and little toes. This allows the bones to spread and your arches to lift.
• Nahid de Belgeonne, Feldenkrais practitioner, yogawithnahid.com.
As told to Caitlin Tilley