I recently walked into a tree. I didn’t mean to, but I was, as usual, looking at what was growing around my feet and not where I was going. The result was a messy scrape of torn skin, but nearby was also the solution: I plucked a few leaves of herb robert and a number of ribwort plantain leaves, mashed them between my fingers till their juices flowed, and pressed the mash into my cut. Within an hour it was knitting back together; a week later you could barely tell it had happened.
Both herb robert (Geranium robertianum) and ribwort plantain (Plantago lanceolata) are common wildflowers – many would call them weeds – with powerful healing properties. Herb robert is a styptic and excellent vulnerary herb, meaning it stems bleeding and heals wounds; it is astringent, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory and has long been used for scrapes, insect bites and minor sores. Ribwort plantain has similar properties.
No one is doubting the miracles that modern medicine has brought, but humans have always mashed leaves and chewed barks, by boiling roots and pressing seeds. When I pluck a leaf to help me out, I am reminded of all that came before me.
Simple solutions to minor problems already grow in your garden as weeds or ornamental flowers. Understanding how plants can help us is not only rewarding, it means one less plastic plaster in the bin, one less unrecyclable teabag. It is also a powerful lesson in thrift and natural economy.
For cuts, grazes, splinters and scrapes
Make a poultice by mashing leaves and sometimes roots from clean plant material until their juices flow, and applying this mash to the skin: both ribwort (P. lanceolata) and broadleaf plantain (P. major), can help heal minor wounds, draw out splinters, and are especially good for insect bites. Both grow on path edges, lawns and long grass. Herb robert smells musky when crushed, but the juice is a powerful styptic, stopping a cut or a thorn wound in seconds. Selfheal (Prunella vulgaris) is another fellow of wilder lawns that is amazing at helping wounds to heal. It’s a strong antimicrobial and will knit together difficult grazes. Chickweed (Stellaria media), another common weed of bare ground in the garden, turns into a soft, kind herb for the skin when mashed. It will soothe rashes and sores. All these herbs are safe for general use.
For bruises and strains
Borage (Borago officinalis) and common comfrey leaves can both be mashed into a poultice and applied to strains, bruises and swellings. The amount of times I have pulled a muscle or dropped something on my foot while gardening, applied a poultice overnight (between sheets of kitchen paper and covered with clingfilm, to prevent staining sheets/clothes) and marvelled at the results the next day. Both can be turned into an oil or ointment for regular use. Comfrey and borage both have hairy stems that can irritate sensitive skin as a poultice, in which case an ointment is better. Both are safe for general use.
For hangovers and upset stomachs
Korean liquorice mint (Agastache rugosa) is not a common herb, but should be. An easy-going perennial with liquorice-tasting leaves and brilliant purple flowers, I swear it’s the best hangover tea. It will soothe your sore head and settle your stomach. If liquorice isn’t your thing, try lemon balm. As a tea it will calm nausea, aid digestion and is deeply relaxing. It is safe for general use, but shouldn’t be consumed regularly by anyone with a thyroid condition.
For bloating and indigestion
The seeds of fennel, caraway and dill are carminatives and aid digestion, meaning they help with bloating, gas and indigestion. The nutty, sweet flavour of toasted fennel seeds is a delightful way to consume such a medicine, but all three can be made into a tea for after dinner, with a little honey added, if necessary. To get the most out of the seed, bash it a little first, then steep for 10-15 minutes. All the good properties in herbal teas are lost if it is not covered for 10 minutes; if you don’t have a teapot, cover a mug with a saucer instead. You can also chew directly on the seeds.
For colds, sore throats and snuffy noses
Rosemary, thyme and sage, together or separately, bruised and then steeped in hot water for at least 10 minutes will make a killer antimicrobial tea. Adding dried apple will make sage more palatable. Equally as good cooled and drunk as a flavoured water.
Elderflower and elderberries have strong antiviral properties. Elderflower is lovely steeped in water for four or more hours, perhaps with a few slices of orange and lemon. Elderberries need to be brewed in a rolling boil with plenty of honey added. The leaves and stems of elder will give you an upset stomach, so remove flowers and berries with the back of a fork first.
Nettles have good antihistamine properties, so are great for hayfever sufferers. Use either fresh or dried leaves to make an infusion. I prefer the taste of fresh nettles; mix dried nettles with elderflower or lemon verbena to improve the flavour. The plant needs to be harvested before it flowers, for potency.
Hyssop is a lovely old-fashioned herb that brings the bees to the garden. It has beautiful purple flowers that, once you’ve let the bees have their share, can be picked and steeped in honey for a soothing cough syrup. Or add to herb teas to help ward off colds.
For a restful night
The bright, brilliant orange flowers, leaves and unopened seedpods of the California poppy (Eschscholzia californica) make an excellent tea; add honey and lime blossom, and perhaps a few lavender seed heads, for a pleasing bedtime drink.
Lemon balm is good for an anxious brain that is whirring around too much. Drink the tea an hour or so before bed.
Proust was a huge fan of linden, or lime blossom, tea. You may not have a lime tree in your garden, but I bet your local park does. Pick the flowering bracts when they are fully opened and bright yellow green in colour and dry on a warm windowsill. The tea is delicious and so soporific. It can be used by anyone. Equally as good is a lime blossom bath before bed.
For those looking to learn more about herbs and their uses, the Herb Society is a wonderful resource
• A Modern Herbal by Alys Fowler is published by Penguin on 11 July, priced £20. To order a copy for £14.99, with free UK p&p, go to guardianbookshop.com