One of the best things about returning to the office is all the incidental steps involved. I’m not a natural gym dweller – I just hate the places – so to keep my body moving in our sedentary modern lives I have to walk.
My way to do enough walking to make up for the lack of other exercise (other than yoga) is to get off the bus or train one or two (maybe three on a good day) stops before my destination and walk the rest of the way.
I’ve been doing this for more than 15 years, so I can safely say it works in keeping my weight down, spirits up (mostly) and muscles toned (enough for me). And it gets addictive, especially if you have an Apple watch, or a Fitbit or some other step counter.
When we go back to the office, I’ll be walking 2km from the bus stop to my desk every morning and afternoon. In the morning, it’s a good opportunity to listen to RN Breakfast (what will I do without Fran Kelly?) and in the evening, it’s all about walking the work off and de-stressing. I might listen to a podcast, convince a colleague to walk with me, catch up on family phone calls or just notice the city around me.
It can get a bit sweaty in Sydney summers but I just do it in gym gear and get changed at work. It’s a big chunk of my daily move target and I don’t even notice doing it.
My only tip is to start slow and build a routine. If you’re not a morning person, just start out doing it after work. Pretty soon, you won’t even think about your old stop.