On me head son!
Former England footballer Michael Gray underwent a live hair transplant on the internet yesterday. It's not for the squeamish.
Muddy escape
The heavy rain could go on for the whole of June, according to some reports. Suddenly we're not minding Glastonbury's year off quite so much ...
What's up with girlfriend?
The phrase "baby mama" is cringemaking. Surely there were better ways for James Corden to pay tribute to partner Julia Carey at the Tony awards.
Veep's revenge
Poor Joe Biden. Invariably depicted as a gaffe-prone joke. Is it possible he enjoyed turning his squirt gun on his tormentors in the press corps (or at least their kids) a little too much?
Big boned
The dinosaurs were skinnier than we thought. New research has revised Brachiosaurus's weight down from 35 to 88 tonnes to just 25 tonnes.