There are few things more distressing than seeing a woman whose cancer has become incurable because she delayed seeking help due to embarrassment. In the last month, I have met a feisty nonagenarian who had, until recently, been in good health. Not accustomed to seeing doctors, she ignored her symptoms, hoping they would go away. She was forced to seek help when her pain became intolerable. The tragedy is, had I seen her a few months earlier, she would have been cured with a simple operation. Now, her cancer is incurable and all we can offer is symptom relief.
In my experience, women delay seeking help for a variety of reasons. One is a failure to recognise the significance of their symptoms, with abdominal swelling and bloating put down to middle age spread. Another key factor is embarrassment. British women in particular seem reticent about discussing anything to do with the genital tract. Even naming the area causes embarrassment and euphemisms such as “below the waist” are preferred.
This situation is by no means unusual. A survey by The Eve Appeal cancer charity has shown that 39% of women believe there is a greater stigma around gynaecological cancers than other types of cancer. This may be, in part, due to the finding in the same survey that one woman in five associated gynaecological cancers with sexual promiscuity.
These assumptions are baseless and we as healthcare professionals need to work harder to debunk the myths around gynaecological cancers. We need to talk more openly about the genital tract and reproductive health. We need to be able to call organs by their anatomical names, referring to the vagina, rather than to “down below”.
In addition, women need to understand that there is no association between gynaecological cancers and promiscuity. It is true that the high-risk human papilloma virus, which is transmitted by sexual intercourse or genital contact, causes cervical cancer. It is, however, such a common virus that four out of five of us will be infected by it at some stage. It is as common as catching a cold and infection does not imply promiscuity. Understanding these facts should help to destigmatise gynaecological malignancies and give women more confidence to report symptoms that may be indicative of cancer.
There is clearly a need for this. The Eve Appeal’s survey showed that 34% of women believe they would feel more comfortable talking about gynaecological health issues if the stigma around them were reduced.
Women need to understand that all gynaecological cancers can be cured if detected early enough. They need to be aware of the symptoms of cancer, such as abnormal bleeding from the vagina (after sex, between periods or after the menopause), abdominal pain, bloating or change in bowel habit, discomfort, itching or a lump or ulcer on the vulva. While the majority of women with these symptoms will not have cancer, it is important that the appropriate tests are carried out promptly so that those with cancer can be identified and treated.
We are in a situation in this country where women are literally dying of embarrassment. This needs to change. As a gynaecological oncologist, I would like to see women with early cancer where I can offer them a realistic chance of a cure.
To find out more about The Eve Appeal visit http://www.eveappeal.org.uk/gcam
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