Doctor and New Yorker writer Atul Gawande argues that we should focus less on prolonging life and more on making it meaningful, writes Geraldine Bedell
Paula Cocozza: In July, sick with cancer, Jo Beecham talked in this newspaper about stashing life-ending drugs in her fridge, in case she wanted to hasten her end. But as the disease wore on, and she received better palliative care, she had second thoughts
Bognor Regis’ Italian contingent proving that pasta can, in fact, be good for you is no match for the moving – and fascinating – story of cancer patients’ journey to recovery, writes Sam Wollaston
Womb cancer is the fourth most common cancer in women, yet there is very little awareness about it. Daloni Carlisle, who was diagnosed with the disease last year, explains the symptoms and treatment options
Macmillan Cancer Support estimates – conservatively – that the average person in the UK spends 315 days in a self-inflicted fug. Here’s your chance to give your liver a break
A study suggests that an aspirin a day can help prevent colon, oesophagus and stomach cancers. So should we all be self-medicating? Luisa Dillner investigates
James Mackenzie: Vasectomies increase the risk of prostate cancer, a survey has found. But for men the taboo about discussing sexual health is perhaps a bigger threat