A neuroscientist has found a revolutionary way of being cleverer, more attractive, slimmer, happier, healthier and of warding off cancer – a good night’s shut-eye
A cuddly new publishing service has arrived to help struggling authors with ‘bookbirthing’ – and for all its new-age trappings, it seems to be catching on
I’m enjoying a sunkissed winter moment on the New South Wales coast when suddenly the detox clinic I’ve come to visit is not only interesting but necessary
In an extract from her new book Wellmania, Guardian Australia columnist Brigid Delaney recalls the agony – and unfortunate side effects – of a 15-day fast
For her book Metamorphosis, Polly Morland interviewed everyone from a man who lost 18 stone to a monk who fell in love. Then Trump and Brexit happened …
Freud’s work changed fiction and philosophy as well as ideas of psychology and sexuality. From Michel Foucault to Philip Roth, here is some great writing about the talking cure