Why it’s never too late to exercise

The over-65 age group is less active than any other. But, says Sam Murphy, exercise doesn't have to be difficult - and it can help you live a longer, happier life

How to avoid age-related illnesses

Ailments in later life may seem unavoidable, but in fact there are many ways to keep your body healthy for longer. Cherrill Hicks explains how to boost your chances of a healthy old age

Working families: Stuck in the middle

As the 'sandwich generation' juggles the demands of children and elderly parents, Cath Janes says more firms should be aiming to appear on the Top Employers for Working Families list

Living with dementia

When Carla White was diagnosed with Alzheimer's, her husband became carer. Patrick Barkham meets them

No place like home

With its sensory toys, funky gardens and staff in nightgowns, Christopher Manthorp believes he has found the best place for dementia care in the UK. But is it affordable?

Over 60 and heading for rehab

It is not just the young who are binge drinking. Increasing numbers of older people are becoming alcoholic. And as Kate Hilpern reports, it is not always easy for them to get the help they need

Flu jab may not work for oldest patients

Flu vaccination, which costs the government around £150m a year, may not after all save the lives of the older people who are the target of intensive annual campaigns, according to scientists.

Drinking one too many can damage your liver

It used to be associated with older heavy drinkers but serious liver disease is rising fast in young people. All it takes is a few pints of lager and glasses of wine a week. Lucy Atkins reports.

Doctors may turn away ‘irresponsible’ obese

Older people and patients who refuse to change their unhealthy lifestyle could be denied treatment under controversial proposals from the organisation which sets national clinical guidelines.